Katrin's Publications


Permanent Link: http://bit.ly/becker-pubs

As I publish in various disciplines and areas, these icons indicate the general area of study of the publication. Note that CS Education implies it is also Educational Technology, and that both Game Design and Serious Games imply it is also Game Studies. For the list below, the designation Serious Games includes the use of COTS games for serious purposes.

SoTL Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
PD Professional Development, Educational (and other)
GM Gamification (aka Gameful Learning)

ET Educational Technology
ID Instructional Design
CS CS Education

SG Serious Games
GA Games, General

AG Agricultural Science
B Biology

The following codes indicate the nature of the peer review applied to the work.

: Awards

R : Fully Refereed
P : Peer Reviewed

A : Refereed Abstract

I : Invited Presentations
T : Talks and Interviews

This Year and Up and Coming

Sneak Peak at my Upcoming Book Series
Katrin Becker (2024/2025/2026),
Gamification 101: A Practical Guide for the Classroom ,
... More Books from Mink Hollow

  1. Becker, K. (2025) Workshop: It All Adds Up: Implementing Purely Cumulative Grading , ACCP-CAID Canadian Association of Instrcutional Designers, Tue Mar 18 2025, 12:00pm EST via Zoom
    ET PD GM ID Invited Master Class
  2. Becker, K., (2025) When Better is the Enemy of Good Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference, June 6-8 2025
    ET PD SG Online Presentation
  3. Becker, K., (2025) If Your LMS Were a Game, in What Ways Would It Be Broken? Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference, June 6-8 2025
    ET PD SG Online Presentation
  4. Becker, K. (2025) Death to Deadlines: Practical Gamification and Other Subversive Thoughts on Formal Education, Leanpub Publishing Inc., ISBN 978-1-9991340-1-3
  1. Becker, K., (2025) The Five Requirements for a Gameful Classroom Colloquium Presentation at the Department of Mathematics and Computing, Jan 24, 2025, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta
    ET PD SG Invited Presentation
  2. Becker, K. (2024) Workshop: 12 Ways to Use Games in the Classroom, ACCP-CAID Canadian Association of Instrcutional Designers, November 19, 2024
    ET PD GM ID Invited Master Class
  3. Becker, K. (2024) Gamification 101 : How to Bring Joy Back to Learning By Making Your Classroom Gameful, Tellwell Publishing, Inc., ISBN-13: 9781773707747
  4. Becker, K. (2024) Bringing Joy Back to Teaching and Learning with a Gameful Classroom, April 11, 2024, LevelUpLife
    PD GM ID Invited Podcast
  5. Becker, K. (2024) Gamification 101: Bringing Joy Back to Teaching and Learning with a Gameful Classroom ACCP-CAID Canadian Association of Instrcutional Designers, February 20, 2024
    ET PD GM ID Invited Master Class Gameful Learning Website

Previous Years

G Becker, K. (2017) Gene Rummy (Novice Version) Serious Game, Published by Mink Hollow Media, Ltd. and The Game Crafter AG B ET GA SG G Becker, K. (2017) Gene Rummy (Full Version) Serious Game, Published by Mink Hollow Media, Ltd. and The Game Crafter AG B ET GA SG G Mink Hollow Media, Ltd. (2012) Coffee Traders Invaders Advergame, published by Cochrane Coffee Traders SG GA G Mink Hollow Media, Ltd. (2012) Pizzaroids Advergame, published by Mink Hollow Media, Ltd. SG GA G Mink Hollow Media, Ltd. (2012) War of the Swirls Advergame, published by MacKay's Cochrane Ice Cream. SG GA G Mink Hollow Media, Ltd. (2012) ViPER: Mission to Mars Educational Game, published by Science Alberta Foundation SG GA ET ID

Keynotes, Awards and Other Honours

  1. Keynote Katrin Becker (2014) Walking Backwards in to the Future: Ensuring the Success of Games for Learning EduGaming 2014, Lehigh Carbon Community College, Pennsylvania, August 4, 2014
  2. Keynote Katrin Becker (2013) The Calm and The Storm: Simulation and Games (Why All Games are Simulations and the Challenges of Using Simulations and Games for Learning) IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (MS 2013), Banff, Canada, July 17, 2013
  3. Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in Instructional Design/Teaching and Learning for Katrin's gamified Introduction to Computers course at MRU. This award recognizes excellence and innovation in instructional design, teaching and learning. Technology (i.e. video, audio, podcast, graphics or animation) must play a key role in the practice, system tool, course, etc. (2014)
  4. IAP-DDL-AECT Crystal Award 2013 for Katrin's online course on Digital Game-Based Learning. This award recognizes innovative and outstanding multimedia-based distance learning courses and distance learning projects.
    Katrin is thrilled with this recognition of her experimental gamified design. She has always believed that education courses at the graduate level should *all* have significant novel and experimental aspects. We should be implementing the theories and methods we are teaching rather than just talking about them in our classes. The gamified design of this course combined with a metalearning approach to its delivery resulted in an experience that significantly broadened the horizons of the participants and embodies the philosophy of educational praxis. Katrin’s gamified design continues to be refined and has now being applied in a freshman introduction to computers course.
  5. J. B. Hyne Research Innovation Award The Faculty of Graduate Studies created this award to recognize graduate students in any discipline who excel in research. (2006)
  6. EduNET Choice Award (2005) for the Mink Hollow Farm Hatching Program Website August, 2005
  7. AMTEC Educational Media Award of Excellence Katrin Becker (2005) for the Mink Hollow Farm Candling Tutorial (student category), Presented by AMTec at The 32nd AMTEC Conference, “Powering Up New Learning Communities” Calgary, Alberta, May 25 2005


  1. Becker, K. (2024) Gamification 101 : How to Bring Joy Back to Learning By Making Your Classroom Gameful, Tellwell Publishing, Inc., ISBN-13: 9781773707747
  2. Becker, K. (2020) Reni, Leanpub Publishing Inc., ISBN 978-1-9991340-1-3
  3. Becker, K. (2016) Choosing and Using Digital Games in the Classroom – A Practical Guide, Springer Publishing, Inc.
  4. Becker, K. & J.R.Parker (2011), The Guide to Computer Simulations and Games, Wiley Publishing, Inc. Book Site

Book Chapters

  1. Becker, K. (2021) COMP 4555 – Game Design & Development, (Ch. 22) in Teaching the Game: A collection of syllabi for game design, development, and implementation, Vol. 2, edited by Rick Ferdig, Emily Baumgartner, and Enrico Gandolfi, Carnegie Mellon University: ETC Press, Pittsburgh, PA
    Chapter ET PD ID SG GM
  2. Becker, K. (2018) Evaluating Games for Classroom Use, in Second International Handbook of IT in Primary and Secondary Education, Voogt, J., Knezek, G., Christensen, R., Lai, K.-W. (Eds.) Springer Publishing, Inc.
    Invited Chapter ET PD SG ID
  3. Becker, K., L. Gopin (2016) Selection Criteria for Using Commercial Off the Shelf Games (COTS) for Learning, (Ch. 2) in Learning, Education and Games Vol. 2: Bringing Games into Educational Contexts, edited by Karen Schrier, ETC Press
    Chapter ET ID PD SG GA
  4. Becker, K., S. Nicholson (2016) Gamifying the Classroom: Old Wine in New Badges, (Ch. 3) in Learning, Education and Games Vol. 2: Bringing Games into Educational Contexts, edited by Karen Schrier, ETC Press
    Chapter ET PD ID SG GM
  5. Becker, K., J. Parker (2014) Methods of Design, an Overview of Game Design Techniques, (Ch. 10) in Learning and Education Games, Volume One: Curricular and Design Considerations, edited by Karen Schrier, ETC Press
    Chapter SG GA
  6. Becker, K. (2010) Distinctions between games and learning: A review of the literature on games in education, (2010) (ch. 2, pp.22-54) In R. V. Eck (Ed.), Gaming & Cognition: Theories and Perspectives From the Learning Sciences. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishing
    Chapter ET SG
  7. Becker, K. and J.R.Parker (2009) A Simulation Primer, (ch. 1, pp.1-24) in Digital Simulations for Improving Education: Learning Through Artificial Teaching Environments|edited by David Gibson & Young Kyun Baek, Information Science Reference, IGI Global Publishing
    Chapter ET SG GA
  8. Becker, K. (2009) in Lexicon of Online and Distance Education|edited by Lawrence A. Tomei, Rowman & Littlefield Education
    Distinguished Contributing Author (21 entries) ET PD
  9. Becker, K. (2008) The Invention of Good Games: Understanding Learning Design in Commercial Videogames, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Calgary, Feb. 2008
    PhD Thesis becker_thesis.pdf ET SG ID
  10. Becker, K. and J.R.Parker (2008) On Choosing Games And What Counts as a “Good” Game, in Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education edited by Richard Ferdig, Information Science Reference, IGI GLobal Publishing
    Chapter PD GA
  11. Becker, K. (2008), Video Game Pedagogy: Good Games = Good Pedagogy, (CH. 5, pp. 73-125), in Games: Their Purpose and Potential in Education edited by Christopher T. Miller, Springer Publishing
    Invited Chapter ET ID GA SG
  12. Miller, C.T., Loh, S., Becker, K., Botturi, L., Barbour, M., Nettleton, K., Hirumi, A., Rieber, L., Simpson, E. (2008) Predicting the Future from Multiple Perspectives: Current Problems and Future. Potentials for Educational Games, (Ch. 9, pp 219-249), in Games: Their Purpose and Potential in Education edited by Christopher T. Miller, Springer Publishing
    Invited Chapter ET SG
  13. Becker, K. (2007) Pedagogy in Commercial Video Games, (Vol 1. Ch 34), in Online and Distance Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications edited by Dr. Lawrence Tomei, Information Science Reference (previously published in Games and Simulations in Online Learning: Research and Development Frameworks, Information Science Publishing edited by David Gibson, Clark Aldrich and Marc Prensky 2006 (Ch. 2 p.21-47) http://www.igi-pub.com/)
    Chapter ET ID SG GA
  14. Becker, K. (2006) Pedagogy in Commercial Video Games, in Games and Simulations in Online Learning: Research and Development Frameworks, Information Science Publishing edited by David Gibson, Clark Aldrich and Marc Prensky 2006 (Ch. 2 p.21-47) http://www.igi-pub.com/
    Chapter ET PD SG GA ID
  15. Becker, K. (1983) Topics and Tools in the Introductory Computer Science Curriculum. (1983-130-19), M.Sc. Thesis
    MSc Thesis CS ET PD


All publications listed in this section are fully refereed.

  1. Ruggiero, D., & Becker, K. (2015). Games You Can’t Win The Computer Games Journal, 4(3), 169-186. doi: 10.1007/s40869-015-0013-9.
    ET ID SG
  2. Parker, J. and K. Becker (2013), The Simulation-Game Controversy: What is a Ludic Simulation? International Journal of Games and Computer-Mediated Simulations (special issue on Ludic Simulations) 2013 Vol. 5 No. 1 pp.1-12
    SG GA
  3. Becker, K. (2011) The Magic Bullet: A Tool for Assessing and Evaluating Learning Potential in Games, International Journal of Game Based Learning Vol. 1 No. 1 p.19-31
  4. Parker,J.R. Becker, K., and Sawyer, B. (2008) Re-Reconsidering Research on Learning from Media: Comments on Richard E. Clark’s Point of View column on Serious Games Educational Technology Magazine, January/February 2008, p.39-43
    SoTL ET SG
  5. Becker, K. (2008) The Use of Unfamiliar Words: Writing and CS Education, The Journal of Computing Science in Colleges Volume 24, Number 2, pp 13-19 http://www.ccsc.org/northwest/2008 Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges Northwest Conference, to be presented at the CCSC-NW conference to be held October 10 and 11, 2008 in Ashland, Oregon.
    SoTL ID CS
  6. Becker, K. (2007) Classifying Learning Objectives in Commercial Games, Loading... Journal of the Canadian Games Study Association 2007 Vol.1 No.1.
  7. Becker, K. and Parker, J.R. (2007) Serious Games + Computer Science = Serious CS, The Journal of Computing Science in Colleges Volume 23, Number 2, pp 40-46 Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges Northwest Conference, also presented at the CCSC-NW conference McMinnville, Oregon, October 12 and 13, 2007.
    SoTL CS SG GA HTM Paper ( presentation
  8. Becker, K. (2007) Wicked ID: A Conceptual Framework for Considering Instructional Design as a Wicked Problem, Canadian Journal of Learning Technology 2007, Vol. 33 #1 pp.85-108
    ET ID PD HTM Paper
  9. Becker, K. (2007) Digital Game Based Learning, Once Removed: Teaching Teachers, British Journal of Educational Technology, SIG-GLUE Special Issue on Game-Based Learning 2007, Vol. 38 No. 3, pp 478-488
  10. Becker, K. (2006) First Principles of CS Instruction, The Journal of Computing Science in Colleges Volume 22, Number 2, pp 77-84 Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges Northwest Conference, presented at the CCSC-NW conference October 6 and 7, 2006.
    SoTL ID CS PDF (presentation)
  11. Becker, K. (2005) Cutting Edge Research by Undergraduates on a Shoestring? The Journal of Computing Science in Colleges Volume 21, Number 1, October 2005, pp 160-168 Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges Northwest Conference, October 14-15 2005, Bothell, Washington
    SoTL CS PDF ( presentation slides pdf)
  12. Becker, K. (2004) Reconciling a Traditional Syllabus with an Inquiry-Based Introductory Course The Journal of Computing Science in Colleges Volume 20, Number 2, December 2004, pp 28-37 Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges Northwest Conference, October 8-9 2004, Salem, Oregon
  13. Becker, K. (2003) A Multiple Intelligences Approach to Teaching Number Systems The Journal of Computing Science in Colleges Volume 19, Number 2, December 2003, pp 6-17 Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges Northwest Conference, October 3-4 2003, Ellensburg, Washington presentation
  14. Becker, K. (2002) Back to Pascal: Retro But Not Backwards. Published in The Journal of Computing Science in Colleges V18, No. 2, December 2002, pp 17-27
  15. Becker, K. (2001) Teaching with Games: The Minesweeper and Asteroids! Experience. (2001-687-10) Published in The Journal of Computing in Small Colleges V17, No. 2, December 2001, pp 22-32
  16. Becker, K. and Beacham, M. (2001) A Tool for Teaching Advanced Data Structures To Computer Science Students: An Overview of the BDP System . (2000-653-05) Published in The Journal of Computing in Small Colleges V16, No. 2, January 2001, pp 65-71

Conference Papers (refereed)

  1. Elaish, M.M., Hussein, M., Shuib, N.L.M., Ahmad, F., and Becker, K. (2021) A Proposed Gamification Elements of Educational Games, 2021 International Conference on Computer & Information Sciences (ICCOINS)
    Paper & Presentation ET PD SG GM
  2. Becker, K., Gunson, D., Bair, H., Hayden-Isaak, M., Cheng, L., & Miller, C. (2015). Gamifying an M.Ed. Course: A Post-Mortem. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Games, Entertainment, and Media (GEM) Conference, Toronto, ON. Oct. 14-16, 2015, pp 152-161
  3. Becker, K. (2015). 4PEG: A Structured Rating System for Games for Learning. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Games, Entertainment, and Media (GEM) Conference, Toronto, ON. Oct. 14-16, 2015, pp 46-51
  4. Becker, K. 2014. Gene Rummy: A Card Game About Mendelian Genetics. Pages 53-56, in Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Volume 35 (K. McMahon, Editor). Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), 199 pages. http://www.ableweb.org/volumes/vol-35/v35reprint.php?ch=21
    AG B ET GA ET PDF Website
  5. Becker, K. & Parker, J.R. (2012) Serious Instructional Design: ID for Digital Simulations and Games SITE 2012–Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012, Austin, Texas, USA; March 5-9, 2012
  6. Becker, K. (2012) A Magic Bullet for Assessing Games for Learning SITE 2012–Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012, Austin, Texas, USA; March 5-9, 2012
  7. Becker, K. (2010) Evaluating Educational Videogames: A Magic Bullet, CNIE Conference 2010, “Heritage Matters: Inspiring Tomorrow” Saint John, New Brunswick, May 16-19, 2010
    ET GA SG PD paper, Slides
  8. Becker, K. (2010) The Clark-Kozma Debate in the 21st Century , CNIE Conference 2010, “Heritage Matters: Inspiring Tomorrow” Saint John, New Brunswick, May 16-19, 2010
    ID ET PD paper, Slides
  9. Becker, K. (2009) How Do Researchers Choose Commercial Games for Study?, Future Play 2009 @ GDC Canada Vancouver, BC May 12-13, 2009
    GA slideshare slides
  10. Becker, K. (2009) Yet Another Magic Bullet: A Tool for Assessing and Evaluating Learning Potential In Games, Future Play 2009 @ GDC Canada Vancouver, BC May 12-13, 2009
    ET GA SG slides on slideshare
  11. Becker, K. (2007) Oh, the Thinks You Can Think: Language Barriers in Serious Game Design, presented at Futureplay 2007 Toronto, Canada, November 15-17, 2007
  12. Becker, K. (2007) Instructional Ethology: Reverse Engineering for Serious Design of Educational Games, presented at Futureplay 2007, Toronto, Canada, November 15-17, 2007
    ET SG GA PDF ( presentation)
  13. Becker, K. (2007) Teaching Teachers about Serious Games, Proceedings of the 19th Annual World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA), 2007, Vancouver, Canada, June 25- June 29, 2007
    SoTL ET PD PDF ( presentation)
  14. Becker, K. (2007) Battle of the Titans: Mario vs. MathBlaster, Proceedings of the 19th Annual World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA), 2007, Vancouver, Canada, June 25- June 29, 2007
    ET GA PDF ( presentation)
  15. Becker, K. (2007) Play is the Beginning of Knowledge, Proceedings of the 19th Annual World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA), 2007, Vancouver, Canada, June 25- June 29, 2007
    ET PD PDF ( presentation)
  16. Parker, J.R., Becker, K., & Loose, K.D. (2007) The Impact of Game Development in the Undergraduate Curriculum, 2nd Annual Microsoft Academic Days Conference on Game Development February 22 - 25, 2007
    SoTL CS GA
  17. Becker, K. (2006) Design Paradox: Instructional Games Future Play, The International Conference on the Future of Game Design and Technology, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, October 10 - 12 2006
    GA ID PDF ( presentation slides pdf)
  18. Becker, K. & J.R.Parker (2006) Digital Games vs Simulations, presented at the 2006 SCS International Conference on Modeling and Simulation - Methodology, Tools, Software Applications (M&S-MTSA'06) July 31 - Aug. 6, 2006.
    ET GA ID PDF (presentation)
  19. Becker, K. (2006) Encouraging CS Novices to Write presented at WCCCE 2006 - The Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education, Calgary, Alberta, May 4-6, 2006
    SoTL CS PDF (presentation)
  20. Becker, K. (2006) Death to Deadlines: A 21st Century Look at the Use of Deadlines and Late Penalties in Programming Assignments presented at WCCCE 2006 - The Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education, Calgary, Alberta, May 4-6, 2006
    SoTL CS GM PDF (presentation)
  21. Becker, K. (2006) Classifying Learning Objectives in Commercial Games, Proof of Concept, 2006 Canadian Games Study Association Symposium September 21-24, 2006, York University, Toronto
  22. Becker, K. (2006) A Psycho-Cultural Approach to Video Games, 2006 Canadian Games Study Association Symposium September 21-24, 2006, York University, Toronto
    ET GA SG ID PDF (presentation)
  23. Becker, K. (2006) An Hour of Play , International Conference on Teacher Education, November 2-4, 2006, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
    ET GA PD ( presentation slides pps)
  24. Becker, K. (2006) Teaching with Games, Once Removed, International Conference on Teacher Education, November 2-4, 2006, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
    SoTL ET GA PD (presentation)
  25. Parker, J.R., Heavy Head, R., and Becker, K. (2005) Technical Aspects of a System for Teaching Aboriginal Languages Using a Game Boy Future Play, The International Conference on the Future of Game Design and Technology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, October 13-15 2005
    ET GA SG PDF ( presentation slides pdf)
  26. Becker, K., and Parker, J.R. (2005) All I Ever Needed to Know About Programming, I Learned From Re-writing Classic Arcade Games Future Play, The International Conference on the Future of Game Design and Technology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, October 13-15 2005
    CS ET SG PDF ( presentation slides pdf)
  27. Becker, K. (2005) Games and Learning Styles Presented at the Special Session on Computer Games for Learning and Teaching, at The IASTED International Conference on Education and Technology ~ICET 2005~ July 4-6, 2005 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    ET ID GA SG PDF ( presentation slides pdf)
  28. Becker, K. & Michele Jacobsen (2005) Games for Learning: Are Schools Ready for What's to Come? DiGRA 2005 2nd International Conference, “Changing Views: Worlds in Play” Vancouver, B.C. June 16-20, 2005
    ET PD PDF ( abstract .pdf|)( presentation slides .pdf|)
  29. Becker, K. (2005) How Are Games Educational? Learning Theories Embodied in Games DiGRA 2005 2nd International Conference, “Changing Views: Worlds in Play” Vancouver, B.C. June 16-20, 2005
    ET SG PDF ( abstract .pdf|) ( presentation slides .pdf|)
  30. Parker, J.R. & Becker, K. and D.McCullough (2003) Computer Science and the Arts: Some Multi-Disciplinary Teaching Collaborations Poster # 39 ITiCSE 2003, The 8th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 30-July 2, 2003
    SoTL CS
  31. Parker, J.R. and Becker, K. (2003) Measuring the Effectiveness of Constructivist and Behaviourist Assignments in CS102 ITiCSE 2003, The 8th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 30-July 2, 2003
  32. Parker, J. R. and K. Becker (1983) A Microprogramming Simulator for Instructional Use. (1983-129-18) 15th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1984, Pages: 69 - 76 ISBN:0-89791-126-1
    CS PDF
  33. Becker, K. (1983) Teaching Syntax in an Introductory Programming Course (1983-117-6) CIPS Conference '83: Converging Technologies, Ottawa, ON, May 16-20, 1983, p183-195 CIPS

Other Refereed Presentations and Articles

  1. Becker, K. (2021). The Cases For/Against Re-Submission presented at: Mount Royal Faculty Association Faculty Retreat Spring 2021 Online 'Retreat', time and location TBA.
    Presentation ET PD GM SoTL
  2. Becker, K. (2021). Listening to Students - What 7 Years of Critical Incident Questionnaires Can Reveal presented at: Mount Royal Faculty Association Faculty Retreat Spring 2021 Online 'Retreat', time and location TBA.
    Presentation ET PD GM SoTL
  3. Becker, K. & Karim Youssef (2019). Seeding Digital Blooms: Bringing Bloom’s into the 21st Century to be presented at: Mount Royal Faculty Association Faculty Retreat A Place for You: Building a Better U, April 29-30, 2019 at Kananaskis, Alberta.
    Presentation ET PD GM
  4. Becker, K. (2019). Nothing is more Dangerous than an Educator with a Rubric (a.k.a. Rubrics Suck) to be presented at: Mount Royal Faculty Association Faculty Retreat A Place for You: Building a Better U, April 29-30, 2019 at Kananaskis, Alberta.
    Presentation ET PD GM
  5. Becker, K. (2019). What’s Better When I Do? What Breaks if I Don’t? to be presented at: Mount Royal Faculty Association Faculty Retreat A Place for You: Building a Better U, April 29-30, 2019 at Kananaskis, Alberta.
    Presentation SoTL ET PD GM
  6. Becker, K. (2018) It’s Time to Stop Using Compartmentalized Scoring, 2018 Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Building SoTL Communities - Within, Between, and Beyond, Banff, AB, Nov 8-10 2018 Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
    Presentation ET ID PD GM
  7. Becker, K. (2018) Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Digital Age, Revisited, 2018 Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Building SoTL Communities - Within, Between, and Beyond, Banff, AB, Nov 8-10 2018 Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
    Presentation ET ID PD
  8. Becker, K. (2017) Avoiding The Decorative Media Trap, Convergence Conference 2017: Learning Together, Calgary, AB, October 26-27, 2017 ATLE & AAHEIT
    Presentation ET ID PD
  9. Becker, K. (2017) Using IGNITE to Structure Presentations, Convergence Conference 2017: Learning Together, Calgary, AB, October 26-27, 2017 ATLE & AAHEIT
    Presentation ET ID PD
  10. Becker, K. (2017) Game On: The 4 C’s of Gamification, Convergence Conference 2017: Learning Together, Calgary, AB, October 26-27, 2017 ATLE & AAHEIT
    Presentation ET ID PD
  11. Becker, K. (2017). Death to Deadlines 2.0: 10 Years After to be presented at: Mount Royal Faculty Association Faculty Retreat Changes: Shift Happens, May 8-9, 2017 at Kananaskis, Alberta.
    Presentation SoTL ET PD GM
  12. Becker, K. (2017). Grades and The Random Factor: How Randomness Affects Assessment to be presented at: Mount Royal Faculty Association Faculty Retreat Changes: Shift Happens, May 8-9, 2017 at Kananaskis, Alberta.
    Presentation SoTL ET PD
  13. Becker, K. (2017). T.A.P.: The Teach Aloud Protocol and Transparency in Teaching to be presented at: Mount Royal Faculty Association Faculty Retreat Changes: Shift Happens, May 8-9, 2017 at Kananaskis, Alberta.
    Presentation SoTL ET PD
  14. Becker, K., Ittype, S., Khemka-Dolan, N., Kidney, J., (2017). Lecture Gamification: a New Fun Way to Learn to be presented at: Mount Royal Faculty Association Faculty Retreat Changes: Shift Happens, May 8-9, 2017 at Kananaskis, Alberta.
    Panel Presentation SoTL ET PD GM
  15. Becker, K. (2017) Murky Waters: Instructional Design Theories and Models, CNIE 2017: Exploring our past, present and future, Banff, AB, May 17-19, 2017 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
    Presentation ET ID PD
  16. Becker, K. (2017) Grades and The Random Factor, CNIE 2017: Exploring our past, present and future, Banff, AB, May 17-19, 2017 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
    Presentation ET SoTL PD
  17. Becker, K. (2017) T.A.P.: The Teach Aloud Protocol, CNIE 2017: Exploring our past, present and future, Banff, AB, May 17-19, 2017 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
    Presentation ET SoTL ID PD
  18. Becker, K. (2017) “The Becker Ed Tech Test” (BETT): The Other Side of the “The Audrey Test” Coin, CNIE 2017: Exploring our past, present and future, Banff, AB, May 17-19, 2017 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
    Presentation ET SoTL ID PD
  19. Becker, K. (2016). Reflecting on 6 Iterations of a Gamified Course Design presented at: Mount Royal University Centennial Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Banff, Alberta, November 10-12, 2016.
  20. Becker, K. (2016). Death to Deadlines 2.0 presented at: Mount Royal University Centennial Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Banff, Alberta, November 10-12, 2016.
  21. Becker, K. (2016). It All Adds up: Implementing Strictly Cumulative Grading presented at: Mount Royal University Centennial Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Banff, Alberta, November 10-12, 2016.
  22. Becker, K. (2016) Google Grade Sheets I, EdTechTeam Calgary Summit featuring Google for Education, Calgary, AB, Aug. 26-27, 2016
    Presentation ET PD GM ID
  23. Becker, K. (2016) Google Grade Sheets II, EdTechTeam Calgary Summit featuring Google for Education, Calgary, AB, Aug. 26-27, 2016
    ET PD GM ID Presentation
  24. Becker, K. (2016) Google Grade Sheets III, EdTechTeam Calgary Summit featuring Google for Education, Calgary, AB, Aug. 26-27, 2016
    ET PD GM ID Presentation
  25. Becker, K. (2016) Great Student Feedback Using Just Another Mail Merge - Intermediate, EdTechTeam Calgary Summit featuring Google for Education, Calgary, AB, Aug. 26-27, 2016
    ET PD GM ID Presentation
  26. Becker, K. (2016) Great Student Feedback Using Just Another Mail Merge - Beginner, EdTechTeam Calgary Summit featuring Google for Education, Calgary, AB, Aug. 26-27, 2016
    ET PD GM ID Presentation
  27. Freyjadis, S. & Becker, K. (2015) Inclusive Curriculum Re-Design in the Social Network Era, CAUCE CNIE 2015 Beyond Diversity: Learning and Working in an Inclusive World, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 27-29, 2015 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
    SoTL ET PD GM ID Google Doc
  28. Becker, K. (2015) Implementing Reigeluth’s Paradigm, CAUCE CNIE 2015 Beyond Diversity: Learning and Working in an Inclusive World, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 27-29, 2015 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
    ET PD GM ID Google Doc
  29. Parker, J.R. and Becker, K. (2014) ViPER : Game That Teaches Machine Learning Concepts - A Postmortem, IEEE Games and Entertainment Media, October 22-24, 2014, Toronto.
  30. Becker, K. (2014) Practical Gamification with Google, EdTechTeam Calgary Summit featuring Google for Education, Calgary, AB, Aug. 18-19, 2014 SoTL ET ID PD GM
  31. Becker, K. & Smith, E. (2014) The Academy and Industry: Exploring Instructional Design Roles, CNIE 2014 Confluences: Spaces, Places & Cultures for Innovative Learning, Kamloops, BC, May 13-16, 2014 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
    ET PD ID
  32. Parker, J.R. & Becker, K. (2014) Educational Research via Playtesting, CNIE 2014 Confluences: Spaces, Places & Cultures for Innovative Learning, Kamloops, BC, May 13-16, 2014 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
  33. Becker, K. (2014) 4 Pillars of DGBL: A Structured Rating System for Games for Learning, CNIE 2014 Confluences: Spaces, Places & Cultures for Innovative Learning, Kamloops, BC, May 13-16, 2014 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
  34. Becker, K. (2014) Walking the Talk : Signature Pedagogies and Metateaching in Graduate-Level Education Courses, CNIE 2014 Confluences: Spaces, Places & Cultures for Innovative Learning, Kamloops, BC, May 13-16, 2014 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
  35. Ruggiero, D. & Becker, K. (2014) The Virtue of Failure: Designing Games You Can’t Win for Learning, CNIE 2014 Confluences: Spaces, Places & Cultures for Innovative Learning, Kamloops, BC, May 13-16, 2014 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
  36. Becker, K. (2014) Gamification: A Different Paradigm of Pedagogy, CNIE 2014 Confluences: Spaces, Places & Cultures for Innovative Learning, Kamloops, BC, May 13-16, 2014 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
  37. Becker, K., & Nickle, T. (2013). Using Cards Games as Learning Objects: A Case Study presented at: Mount Royal University Centennial Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Banff, Alberta, November 7 - 9, 2013.
    AG B ET GA ET PDF Website
  38. Becker, K., Patrick Perri (2013). Is Gamification a Game-Changer? Comparing Gamified and Non-Gamified Approaches presented at: Mount Royal University Centennial Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Banff, Alberta, November 7 - 9, 2013.
  39. Becker, K., Parker, J. (2013). Informing SoTL Using Playtesting Techniques presented at: Mount Royal University Centennial Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Banff, Alberta, November 7 - 9, 2013.
  40. Becker, K. (2013). Informing Pedagogy Through Co-Operative Inquiry presented at: Mount Royal University Centennial Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Banff, Alberta, November 7 - 9, 2013.
    SoTL ET PD
  41. Ruggiero, D., Becker, K., Garside, D. (2013) Games You Can't Win, presented at 2013 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences Canadian Game Studies Association (CGSA), “@ the Edge” Victoria, BC, June 4 & 5
  42. Becker, K. & Parker, J. (2012) The Trouble with the Simulation-Game Continuum CNIE Green Aware 2012 – The Canadian Network for Innovation in Education, 14 - 16 May 2012, Canmore, Alberta
  43. Becker, K. & Parker, J. (2012) Education or Fun? Apparently, You Can’t Have Both CNIE Green Aware 2012 – The Canadian Network for Innovation in Education, 14 - 16 May 2012, Canmore, Alberta
  44. Becker, K. (2012) A Magic Bullet for Educational Games CNIE Green Aware 2012 – The Canadian Network for Innovation in Education, 14 - 16 May 2012, Canmore, Alberta
  45. Becker, K. & Parker, J. (2012) When Games and Instructional Design Collide CNIE Green Aware 2012 – The Canadian Network for Innovation in Education, 14 - 16 May 2012, Canmore, Alberta
  46. Becker, K. (2012) The Decorative Media Trap CNIE Green Aware 2012 – The Canadian Network for Innovation in Education, 14 - 16 May 2012, Canmore, Alberta
  47. Becker, K. (2012) The History of Edutainment, and Why It Matters SITE 2012–Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012, Austin, Texas, USA; March 5-9, 2012
    SG GA ID [R] Roundtable
  48. Jefferies, C. & Becker, K. (2010). Supporting and Managing Group Work in Engineering Courses With Shared Documents presented at: Mount Royal University Centennial Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Banff, Alberta, November 11 to 13, 2010.
    SoTL ET PD Google Slides
  49. Becker, K. & Jefferies, C. (2010). Student Perceptions on the Use of Collaborative Editing Tools in a Freshman Engineering Communications Course. presented at: Mount Royal University Centennial Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Banff, Alberta, November 11 to 13, 2010.
    SoTL ET PD Googel Slide
  50. Becker, K. & J.R.Parker. (2010). Do Game Assignments Help Programming Students Learn More? presented at: Mount Royal University Centennial Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Banff, Alberta, November 11 to 13, 2010.
    SoTL ET PD GA Slideshare
  51. Becker, K. (2010) The Ed Tech “Great Debate” Enters the 21st Century, ,CNIE Conference 2010, “Heritage Matters: Inspiring Tomorrow” Saint John, New Brunswick, May 16-19, 2010 (Harbourside Hangout)
    ET PD ID
  52. Becker, K. (2010) Trouble in River City: Why Videogame Research is Flawed, (Poster), CNIE Conference 2010, “Heritage Matters: Inspiring Tomorrow” Saint John, New Brunswick, May 16-19, 2010
    ET PD GA Poster
  53. Parker, J. & Becker, K. (2010) Teaching Videogame Design in the Arts, Canadian e-Learning Conference: CeLC 2010 June 22-25, 2010 University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  54. Becker, K. (2010) Fun with Google Docs, Canadian e-Learning Conference: CeLC 2010 June 22-25, 2010 University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    SoTL ET PD GA presentation
  55. Becker, K. (2010) The Science Behind It: Fighting Crime with Videogames, April 2010
  56. Becker, K. (2009) The Missing Link: Ducks in the Classroom Presentation at the Calgary City Teachers' Convention Association annual convention: CCTCA 2009 - No Road Not Taken February 12th & 13th, 2009, Calgary, Alberta
    SoTL ET PD B
  57. Becker, K. (2008) On the Evolution of Games, presented at 2nd CGSA conference, “Thinking Beyond Borders - Global Ideas: Global Values” Vancouver, BC, May 31
    GA [R] Presentation ( presentation)
  58. Becker, K. (2008) Design Paradox: Instructional Game Design, CNIE Conference 2008, “Reaching New Heights: Learning Innovation” Banff, Alberta, April 27-30 2008
    ET GA ID (slideshare slides)
  59. Becker, K. (2008) Instructional Ethology: Serious Design of Educational Games, CNIE Conference 2008, “Reaching New Heights: Learning Innovation” Banff, Alberta, April 27-30 2008
    ET ID SG GA (slideshare slides)
  60. Becker, K. (2008) Lightning Bugs & Spectacle Cleaning: Language Barriers in Serious Game Design, CNIE Conference 2008, “Reaching New Heights: Learning Innovation” Banff, Alberta, April 27-30 2008 (slideshare slides)
  61. Becker, K. (2006) How Much Choice is Too Much? SIGCSE Bulletin (Inroads), Volume 38, Number 4, December 2006 pp78-82
    SoTL CS
  62. Becker, K. (2005) Game Communities for Learning The 32nd AMTEC Conference, “Powering Up New Learning Communities” Calgary, Alberta, May 24 to 27, 2005
    SoTL ET SG PD ( pdf slide presentation with links)
  63. Becker, K. (2005) The Pedagogy of Commercial Video Games, poster, presented at NMC Online Conference on Educational Gaming December 7-8, 2005 – via the Internet
    ET GA ID SG ( presentation slides pps) ( annotation pdf)
  64. Becker, K. (2004) Mental Models: Idea to Un-reality - Challenges in Translating Mental Models into Virtual Ones: Describing What's in Your Head Invited Talk Presented at: Simulation and Other Re-enactments: Modelling the Unseen, Banff New Media Institute Summit, April 29 - May 2, 2004, Banff, Alberta
    ID PPT
  65. Becker, K. and D.Michele Jacobsen (2007) Teaching in a Virtual World, CADE/AMTEC Conference 2007, “Connecting the Global Village” Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 12 to 16, 2007 ( presentation)
    SoTL ET GA PD SlideShow
  66. Becker, K. and D.Michele Jacobsen (2007) The Importance of Being Earnest, CADE/AMTEC Conference 2007, “Connecting the Global Village” Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 12 to 16, 2007 ( presentation)
    SoTL ET GA PD SlideShow
  67. Becker, K. (2003) Grading Programming Assignments Using Rubrics, Poster #40 ITiCSE 2003, The 8th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 30-July 2, 2003
  68. Becker, K. (2003) A Multiple Intelligences Approach to Teaching Number Systems, Poster #41 ITiCSE 2003, The 8th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 30-July 2, 2003
  69. Becker, K. (2003) Assignments that Meet the Needs of Exceptional Students without Disadvantaging the Average #01 ITiCSE 2003, The 8th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 30-July 2, 2003
  70. Becker, K. (Chair), Dr. Jerry Roth, Dr. Sharon M. Tuttle, Dr. Steven R. Vegdahl, Ron West (2001) Making CS More Fun Panel Discussion Oct. 2001, CCSC-NW Small Colleges Conference 2001 Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington
    SoTL CS

Invited Talks and Presentations

  1. Becker, K. (2025) Workshop: It All Adds Up: Implementing Purely Cumulative Grading , ACCP-CAID Canadian Association of Instrcutional Designers, Tue Mar 18 2025, 12:00pm EST via Zoom
    ET PD GM ID Invited Master Class
  2. Becker, K., (2025) The Five Requirements for a Gameful Classroom Colloquium Presentation at the Department of Mathematics and Computing, Jan 24, 2025, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta
    ET PD SG Invited Presentation
  3. Becker, K. (2024) Bringing Joy Back to Teaching and Learning with a Gameful Classroom, April 11, 2024
    PD GM ID Invited Podcast LevelUpLife
  4. Becker, K. (2023) Gameful Learning 101: Bringing Joy Back to Teaching and Learning with a Gameful Classroom The Game-Based Learning Virtual Summit, held on Nov. 1-3, 2023 hosted by Dr. Patrick Felicia
    ET PD GM ID Invited Presenter
  5. Becker, K. (2018) Games for Good: How Games Can Be a Positive Force, Presented at "Games We Play", a Telus Spark Adults Only Night, March 8, 2018
    Invited Presentation SG GA GM
  6. Becker, K. (2016) 4PEG: The 4 Pillars of Digital Game Based Learning, Simulations, Training and Digital Game Technology Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Feb. 17-18, 2016 University of Calgary
    ET PD GA ID Invited Presentation
  7. Becker, K. (2015) University of Malta CIS5104 - (eLearning) Introduction to Gamification, Instructor: C.Layfield, Dec. 1 2015
    ET GA GM Course Guest Speaker (online),
  8. Becker, K. (2014) Gamification Innovation Breaking the Mould: Innovations in Undergraduate Learning, Simon Fraser University Oct. 22, 2014
    GM PD ET ID Invited Presentation
  9. Becker, K. (2014) Gamification Demystification (mini), eLearning Showcase @ Mount Royal — Pedagogy in Action, May 2 2014, Calgary, Alberta
    ET GM PD ID Invited Presentation
  10. Parker, J. and Becker, K. (2013) The Leading Edge of Advergaming, Calgary Council for Advanced Technology (CCAT), June 19, 2013
    SG PD Invited Presentation
  11. Becker, K. (2012) Educational Game Design: Getting It Right This Time Centre for Continuing and Distance Education, University of Saskatchewan Talk delivered June 20, 2012
    SG GA ET ID Invited Presentation
  12. Becker, K. (2012) Design and the Decorative Media Trap CPS Youthlink UofC Workshop, May 17, 2012, University of Calgary
    SG GA ET ID Invited Presentation
  13. Becker, K. (2010) Evaluating Educational Games: A Magic Bullet, Digital Youth and Participatory Learning Workshop, Centre for the Study of Democracy, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, November 19-20, 2010 Presentation (on Slideshare) ID ET GA Invited Presentation
  14. Claire, M., Duchene, D., Becker, K., Bailey, M., McGlade, C. (Tom Axworthy moderating) (2010) Ensuring High Ratings: Games for Learning Perspectives, from stakeholders, Digital Youth and Participatory Learning Workshop, Centre for the Study of Democracy, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, November 19-20, 2010
    ID ET GA Invited Panel
  15. Becker, K. (2010) Tech Test Drive: Fun with Google Docs, MRC Tech Test Drive 2010, June 2, 2010
    ET PD Invited Presentation Presentation (on GoogleDocs)
  16. Becker, K., (2009) Good Games = Good Pedagogy: Video Game Pedagogy Presentation at the Research and Scholarship @ Lunch speaker series, Jan 16 2009, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta
    ET PD SG Presentation Invited Presentation
  17. Becker, K. (2009) How Much Choice is Too Much? Presentation at the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Network speaker series, Jan 22 2009, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta
    CS ET PD slideshare slides Invited Presentation
  18. Becker, K. (2009) Netbooks - What are they?, MRC Tech Test Drive 2009, June 3, 2009
    CS ET PD Invited Presentation Presentation (on Slideshare)
  19. Becker, K. (2008) An Hour of Play: Exploring Digital Games, Presentation to the http://www.fsd38.ab.ca/public/frameset.cfm The Foothills School Division Regional Teacher Conference: Digital Denizens. April 14, 2008
    ET PD Invited Presentation
  20. Becker, K. (2008) The Importance of Being Ernest: A Trivial Talk for Serious People, Presentation at the Calgary Board of Education Area 1 Junior High Schools Collaborative PD Day (http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b690/Tom Baines School). Feb 4, 2008, Calgary, Alberta ET PD Invited Presentation ( presentation & hands-on inquiry session)
  21. Becker, K., (2007) The Missing Link: A Methodology for Analyzing Design through Behaviour in Games, Presentation given at The http://www.sijm.ca/en Montreal International Game Summit, Serious Games Canada Symposium, November 27-28, 2007
    GA ID SG ( presentation) Presentation
  22. Becker, K. (2007) An Hour of Play: The Current State of the Art in Gaming and Games for Learning, Presentation at the Coffee and Conversation Forum, TERA (Technology Enhanced Research Area) Faculty of Education, University of Calgary. Jan. 18
    ET GA PD ( presentation) Invited Presentation
  23. Becker, K. (2007) How Games can Enhance Learning & Elearning: There's More to Video Games Than you Think, Presentation at the Friday Research Forum, TERA (Technology Enhanced Research Area) Faculty of Education, University of Calgary, Mar. 16
    ET GA PD ( presentation) Invited Presentation
  24. Becker, K. (2007) UofCalgary EDER 679.12 - (Computer Based Learning II) Introduction to Digital Games, Instructor: D.M.Jacobsen, Mar 28 2007 ET GA Course Guest Speaker (in person),
  25. Becker, K. (2006) Classifying Learning Objectives in Commercial Video Games, Summer 2006 Institute - Linking Research to Professional Practice, University of Calgary, July 7 - 9, 2006
    ET GA ID Invited Presentation ( presentation slides pps)
  26. Parker, J.R. and Becker, K. (2006) Games for Encapsulation and Promotion of Native Cultures, presentation, delivered at the IMAGINE Symposium, Banff Alberta, March 25-26, 2006
    GA Invited Presentation ( presentation)
  27. Becker, K. (2006) On The Pedagogy of Commercial Video Games, presentation, delivered at the IMAGINE Symposium, Banff Alberta, March 25-26, 2006 [a remix and expansion of the poster presented at the NMC online conference ]
    ET GA ID Invited Presentation ( presentation slides pps)( annotation pdf)
  28. Becker, K. (2006), Morehead University, KY, EDUC 688 Educational Gaming and Simulation, How Are Games Educational? Instructor: Dr. Christopher T. Miller, October 2006
    ET PD SG Course Invited Speaker (online)
  29. Becker, K. (2006), UofCalgary EDTP 502 - (EDUCATION TEACHER PREPARATION) LEARNERS AND LEARNING Digital Games: First Contact, Instructor: D.M.Jacobsen, Sept. 13 2006
    ET SG PD Course Guest Speaker (in person)
  30. Becker, K. (2006), UofCalgary COMS 717.69 (Communication Studies) PRACTICE OF VISUAL REPRESENTATION: Idea to UN-Reality Mental Models, Instructor: R.M. Levy, Jan 31, 2006
    ID Course Guest Lecture (in person)
  31. Becker, K. , et. al. (2005) Exploring the Intersection of Gaming and Education, panel session, http://www.nmc.org/events/2005fall_online_conf/index.shtml NMC Online Conference on Educational Gaming December 7-8, 2005 – via the Internet
    ET SG PD Invited Panel Presentation
  32. Becker, K. , (2005) Challenge Exams in CS Dept. Computer Science Curriculum Committee Meeting, University of Calgary, Nov. 14, 2005
    Invited Speaker
  33. Becker, K. , (2005) Writing a Research Proposal, EDER 603.02, Education, University of Calgary, June 10, 2004 , Instructor: M.Christesen
    Invited Talk
  34. Becker, K. , (2005) Inquiry-Based Learning Dept. Computer Science Curriculum Committee Meeting, University of Calgary, March 16 2004
    Invited Talk
  35. Becker, K. , (2003) Teaching Assistantships in Science, Graduate Student's Association Teaching Assistant Workshop, Sept 2003
    Invited Speaker

Master Classes, Tutorials, & Workshops

  1. Becker, K. (2024) Workshop: 12 Ways to Use Games in the Classroom, ACCP-CAID Canadian Association of Instrcutional Designers, November 19, 2024
    ET PD GM ID Invited Master Class
  2. Becker, K. (2024) Gamification 101: Bringing Joy Back to Teaching and Learning with a Gameful Classroom ACCP-CAID Canadian Association of Instrcutional Designers, February 20, 2024
    ET PD GM ID Invited Master Class Gameful Learning Website
  3. Becker, K. (2016) Introduction to Gamification for Learning 2.0 - Part TWO, MRU Academic Development Centre, Mar. 7, 2016
    ET PD GM ID Invited Workshop Gameful Learning Website
  4. Becker, K. (2016) Introduction to Gamification for Learning 2.0, MRU Academic Development Centre, Jan 20, 2016
    ET PD GM ID Invited Workshop Gameful Learning Website
  5. Becker, K. (2015) How to Gamify Learning and Instruction, 2015 IEEE Games, Entertainment, and Media (GEM) Conference, Toronto, ON. Oct. 14-16, 2015
    ET PD GA ID Peer-Reviewed TutorialGameful Learning Website
  6. Becker, K. (2015) Practical Gamification, HTC Dubai Mobile Learning Conference, April 5th-9th, 2015 Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE
    ET PD GM ID Invited On-Line Mini-Course Gameful Learning Website
  7. Becker, K. (2014) Gamification for Learning - Part II, MRU Academic Development Centre, Dec. 4, 2014
    ET PD GM ID Invited Workshop Gameful Learning Website
  8. Becker, K. (2014) Introduction to Gamification for Learning, MRU Academic Development Centre, Oct. 16, 2014
    ET PD GM ID Invited Workshop Gameful Learning Website
  9. Becker, K. (2014) How to Gamify Learning and Instruction, CNIE 2014 Confluences: Spaces, Places & Cultures for Innovative Learning, Kamloops, BC, May 13-16, 2014 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
    ET PD GA ID Invited Workshop Gameful Learning Website
  10. Becker, K. (2014) A Magic Bullet: Choosing and Using Games for the Classroom, CNIE 2014 Confluences: Spaces, Places & Cultures for Innovative Learning, Kamloops, BC, May 13-16, 2014 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
    ET PD GA ID Invited Workshop Magic Bullet Website
  11. Becker, K. (2013) Gene Rummy: A Card Game about Mendelian Genetics, Workshop presented at 35th Annual ABLE Meeting (Association for Biology Laboratory Education), University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, June 25-28, 2013
    SG GA B Peer-Reviewed Presentation/Workshop Gene Rummy Website
  12. Becker, K. (2010) Fun with Google Docs: The Workshop, Canadian e-Learning Conference: CeLC 2010 June 22-25, 2010 University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    ET PD presentation Peer-Reviewed Workshop
  13. Ittyipe, S. and Becker, K. (2009) Alice in Wonderland - a programming adventure!, http://www.explore-it.ca/index.php Explore IT 2009, Calgary Alberta, May 6, 2009
    CS PD Tutorial Tutorial PDF Notes PDF Tutorial
  14. Becker, K. (2007) Using Elluminate in CS, Tutorial presented at the Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges Northwest Conference, McMinnville, Oregon, October 12 and 13, 2007.
    CS PD (Tutorial PDF) Peer-Reviewed Tutorial
  15. Becker, K. (2007) An Afternoon of Play: Introduction to Video Game Literacy, 1/2 Day Workshop 19th Annual World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA), 2007, Vancouver, Canada, June 25- June 29, 2007
    ET GA PD PDF Notes Presentation Peer-Reviewed Workshop
  16. Becker, K. (2005) Are You Game? The Future of Learning With Technology Full-Day Workshop, The 32nd AMTEC Conference, “Powering Up New Learning Communities” Calgary, Alberta, May 24 to 27, 2005
    ET SG PD DOC Peer-Reviewed Workshop

Interviews & Other Media

  1. Bodnar, Michelle (2016). Quest for Knowledge MRU Summit Magazine Jan. 11, 2016, Mount Royal University
    ET ID PD GM Magazine Interview
  2. Selina Renfrow (Writer) (2014) Kevin Chorney (Host), Katrin Becker (guest), Nathaniel Rohr (guest), & Shonna White (guest). (2014). Videogames Calgary Now [Television series episode] Jan. 16, 2014. Calgary, AB: Shaw TV.
    SG GA Panelist
  3. Lissy Torres (2013), Games and Meaningful Play @ Michigan State University, Serious Game Alumni Interview #3 with Katrin Becker Dec. 2, 2013
    SG GA B Featured Interview
  4. Emily Chung (2013), CBC-TV News, Science & Technology, Video games becoming required coursework in schools
    SG GA News Interview (telephone)
  5. Kathryn McMackin (2013), Cochrane Eagle, Bunny competition, racing zucchinis part of country fair
    AG News Interview (telephone)
  6. Chris Epp, (2006), CBC-TV News, Calgary, CBC 6 O'Clock News Aired Dec. 21 2006, MMOs and virtual economies.
    SG GA News Interview (in person)
  7. Barbara Vignaux, (2006), L'Actualité, Nov. 10 2006 Games and Education
    ET SG Magazine Interview (telephone)
  8. Michele Cook (2006), University of Calgary On Campus Magazine, - Aug. 10 2006 - Plugged into Learning published Nov. 3, 2006
    ET SG Magazine Interview (in person) http://www.ucalgary.ca/news/uofcpublications/oncampus/weekly/nov3-06/video-games/
  9. Robert Faulkner, (2005) Hamilton Spectator, Dec. 27, 2005, Serious Games
    ET SG Telephone Interview

Other Publications

This section is for publications that don't fit in any of the other categories.

  1. Becker, K. (2011) What Can We Learn From Test-Breeding?, Southern Alberta Rabbit Breeder's Association Newsletter, Vol. 68, No. 1, p.3 March 2011
    AG B PDF
  2. Becker, K. (2011), Winter Litters, Rex World, the official publication of the National Rex Rabbit Club, Fall, 2011, p.9-10
    AG Invited Article PDF
  3. Atchinson, Don (Ed). (2011) National Rex Rabbit Club Guidebook, 10th Ed., NRRC, eye and coat photos: p25, 26, 32, 34, 39, 43, 47, 51, 62, 66 (15 photos used)
    AG Invited Photos
  4. Becker, K. (2011) Introduction to Coat Colour Genetics, Part III: The E-Series, Southern Alberta Rabbit Breeder's Association Newsletter, Vol. 68, No. 1, p.2 March 2011
    AG B PDF
  5. Becker, K. (2010) Introduction to Coat Colour Genetics, Part II: The 5 Main Groups: A(agouti), B(black), C(colour), D(dilution), E(extension), Southern Alberta Rabbit Breeder's Association Newsletter, Vol. 67, No. 5, p.2 Dec. 2010
    AG B PDF
  6. Becker, K. (2010) Introduction to Coat Colour Genetics, Part I, Southern Alberta Rabbit Breeder's Association Newsletter, Vol. 67, No. 4, p.4 Sept. 2010
    AG B PDF
  7. Becker, K. (2005) Review of Learning by Doing, A Comprehensive Guide to Simulations, Computer Games, and Pedagogy in e-Learning and other Educational Experiences, 2005. by Clark Aldrich. (John Wiley & Sons. 400 pages. ISBN: 0787977357), in The Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology v. 31, no. 2 pp 105-108 June 2005
    ET ID SG GA Invited Book Review PDF
  8. Becker, K. (2005) How are Learning Objectives Woven into the Design of a Serious Game? Instructional Design for Serious Games [unpublished Ph.D. Thesis Proposal] Jan. 2005
    ET ID SG Peer Reviewed PDF
  9. Becker, K. (2000) Using The Web to Support a Traditional Lecture-Based Course. (2000-654-06)
    SoTL ID CS PD Internal Report PDF
  • publications.txt
  • Last modified: 2025/02/09 04:46
  • by becker