Candling During Incubation: The Second and Third Week.
DAY 20 duckling development image
From Daily Changes in the Weight and Form of the Developing Chick Cornell Bulletin 205, by Dr. A. Romanoff (1931) duckling development image
What's Happening Now
beak, claws & scales becoming firm and horny
Length of beak from anterior angle of nostril to tip of upper bill = 4.5 mm;
length of 3rd toe = 14.9±0.8 mm
able to hear; sheath begins to cover optic nerves;
visible blood vessels & good colour
the liquid parts seem partially clear (greyish) and partially reddish with a clear delineation between the two regions
good size of embryo and obvious blood vessels the shadow protrusions along the edge by the air cell will move a appear to twitch there are small amounts of solid waste that can be seen in the egg
What to Look For
What to Watch Out For
dead - note the lack of definition in the liquid parts of the egg the dark part seems to be condensing into a solid mass there is no movement, even if the egg is giggled (other than movement that is a direct result of moving the egg) this egg does not look as healthy as the ones above. If there is no movement then mark it and re-check in a day or two.
If you are not sure whether the embryo is OK or not, wait another few days.